Tagged : go green

Found 5 blog entries tagged as "go green".

Eco-friendly flooring is a more popular flooring choice now than at any time previously—particularly within this century. Homeowners like you are increasingly motivated to ensure that their renovations and upgrades are as green as possible, with building materials and appliances remaining the most common starting points. Today, we’re sharing our top ten eco-friendly flooring options, so be sure to read through to the end before you spring for your upcoming flooring remodel.

What makes flooring material eco-friendly?

The main factors that determine how green a flooring material is are:

  • Whether or not it is made from recycled, renewable, or sustainably sourced materials
  • The nature of the chemicals required for production, maintenance,
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Hardly a day goes by without news outlets throughout the world reporting the effects of climate change. Now, even regions previously thought to be decades away from any impactful fallout have been rocked by events like floods, wildfires, and hurricanes.

The science surrounding climate change is complex and often overwhelming for a layperson to analyze. What we do know is that the only way to prevent catastrophic eventualities is for humanity around the world, from billionaires to hard-working blue-collar folks to pull together and keep Earth’s temperature increase under 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

Today, we’d like to share seven ways to reduce your home’s carbon footprint. Overall, an individual’s carbon footprint is nearly impossible to accurately

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Powering your home with solar energy, whether fully or in part, is certainly eco-friendly. Most of us are looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint, and switching to solar power will help you achieve great strides toward your goal.

Let’s go over a few pros and cons you may wish to consider as you determine whether converting to solar power is right for you.


1.) Solar is Sustainable

When compared to consuming non-renewable fuels, it’s clear that solar power is infinitely more sustainable. Long after we’ve ceased powering our civilizations with fossil fuels and other combustibles, we will have access to solar, wind, and water power. By switching your home to solar now, you’re helping to move your community toward

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In Middle Tennessee, there is a growing consumer desire to patronize environmentally friendly businesses. As a result, local entrepreneurs are establishing eco-friendly businesses, while existing businesses have invested in converting their operations to comply with “green” guidelines.

Today, we’re sharing Middle Tennessee shops, companies, services, a hotel, and one entire shopping center that will enable you to live more sustainably in your daily life. Given the impact our individual shopping dollars have on our local environment (take the Tennessee River as an example), it’s clear that we can improve our beloved region by making conscious choices about which businesses to support.

"The chemicals you find in the river is a mirror of our

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Even though Tennessee is considered a “southern state,” late fall and winter overnight temperatures can fall into the freezing range here. Thus, you may be wondering whether your next home should be more energy-efficient. If your current home was built before the year 2000, it’s likely far less energy-efficient than houses built more recently. Homeowners will tell you that weather extremes in a less-efficient home lead to higher utility bills and uncomfortable inside temps. Today, we’re sharing the top reasons we recommend buying energy-efficient homes.

1.) Your Home’s Air Quality Will Be Better

Far more concerning than an eye-watering heating or cooling bill, the air quality in older homes is likely inferior when compared to new construction.

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